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番荔枝科(Annonaceae)是基部被子植物木兰目(Magnoliales)中较进化且物种数最多的科。目前的系统发育研究将番荔枝科划分为4个亚科,即蒙蒿子亚科(Anaxagoreoideae)、澄光木亚科(Ambavioideae)、番荔枝亚科(Annonoideae)和排石木亚科(Malmeoideae),有107属,2 400多种,中国原产21 属约110 种。番荔枝科泛热带分布,是热带植物区系的优势类群,中国云南盈江位于云南省最西部边境,与缅甸东北部接壤,并与印度的东阿萨姆较近,植物区系处于东南亚(印度—马来西亚)热带生物区系向东亚亚热带-温带生物区系的过渡地带,属典型热带北缘性质,在植被地理和生物地理上十分重要,成为生物多样性保护的关键和热点地区。该区的热带雨林是印度阿萨姆和缅甸北部的热带雨林向东和向北扩散分布的边缘类型,是东南亚热带雨林在纬度和海拔分布上的极限类型。该文报道了采自中国云南省盈江县,引种保存于中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园的番荔枝科哥纳香属2个中国新记录种,即皱叶哥纳香 [Goniothalamus sesquipedalis(Colebr. ex Wall.)Hook. f. & Thomson]和长梗哥纳香(G. peduncularis King & Prain)。Flora of China将盈江哥纳香(G. lii X. L. Hou & Y. M. Shui)处理为云南哥纳香(G. yunnanensis W. T. Wang)的异名,基于活植物观察、馆藏标本和文献研究,该文对盈江哥纳香的分类地位进行了澄清,将其处理为长梗哥纳香的异名。皱叶哥纳香原记载产于印度、孟加拉国和缅甸等地,长梗哥纳香仅产于缅甸,该文对它们进行了补充描述,并提供彩色图版以便于鉴别。凭证标本存放于中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园标本馆(HITBC)。哥纳香属2个新记录的发现,丰富了中国番荔枝科植物多样性的认识,为中国云南热带植物区系属于热带亚洲(印度—马来西亚)植物区系,以及与缅甸北部、印度东北部植物区系的关系增加了例证。  相似文献   
王佳雪  刘春芳  张世虎 《生态学报》2022,42(10):3989-3997
生态安全格局构建是生态安全屏障建设和防风固沙能力提升的关键。北方防沙带是我国主要的风沙策源区,也是防治沙化的核心区,具有干燥少雨、植被稀疏、沙漠广布等生态特征,针对如何在北方防沙带构建适宜的生态安全格局做了研究探讨。以位于北方防沙带中部的民勤县为研究案例,基于“基质脆弱、廊道稀疏、斑块零碎”的景观基底和风沙源扩散机制,提出面向北方防沙带防风固沙能力提升的“控风源-堵风口-筑风廊-优网络”风沙阻隔型生态安全格局构建逻辑范式。结果表明该范式有助于深入了解北方防沙带生态安全问题与生态安全维持机制,可为其他干旱区生态安全格局构建提供新思路。  相似文献   
Gerard R. Case 《Geobios》1979,12(2):223-233
The recent recovery of additional fish remains from several fossil sites in Blaine County. Montana, allows us to add a new species of selachian and the occurrence of two genera of Chimaeriformes to the total vertebrate faunal assemblage of the Judith River Formation (Campanian).The new selachian genus is: Chiloscyllium missouriensis, a representative of the family: Orectolobidae.In association with the new orectolobid, there are representatives of the Chimaeroids: Ischyodus bifurcatusCase, and Elasmodus cf. greenoughiAgassiz.These new additions increase the total vertebratefaunnal assemblage of the Judith River Formation to twenty species.  相似文献   
The effect of in situ freezing of the monkey (macaque) prostate on the development of antibodies reactive with allogeneic and autologous extract preparations of the cranial and caudal lobe of prostatic tissue and their tissue specificity were evaluated by the method of tanned cell hemagglutination. A representative percentage of the animals receiving cryosurgery developed antibodies to prostatic tissue components; however the intensity of this response was considerably modest when contrasted to that obtained following similar treatment of the rabbit prostate (coagulating gland) and generally did not appear, as in the latter, to increase to any significant degree following multiple freezing. The possible relationship of this modest humoral response to the “cryosensitivity” of the target organ and of the animals evaluated in the present study, i.e., the concentration of glandular secretions (autoantigens), physiologic state (elaboration of androgen) and immunocompetence, are considered.  相似文献   
Cellulosic bioenergy production provides opportunities to utilize a range of cropping systems that can enhance the multifunctionality of agricultural landscapes. In a 9‐ha field experiment located on fertile land in Boone County, IA, USA, we directly compared a corn‐soybean rotation harvested for grain, continuous corn harvested for grain and stover, continuous corn harvested for grain and stover with a rye cover crop, newly reconstructed prairie harvested for biomass and fertilized with nitrogen, and unfertilized newly reconstructed prairie harvested for biomass. Comparisons were made using four performance indicators: harvestable yield, net energy balance (NEB), root production, and nutrient balances. We found trade‐offs among systems in terms of the measured performance indicators. Continuous corn systems were the highest yielding, averaging 13 Mg ha?1 of harvested biomass (grain plus stover), whereas fertilized and unfertilized prairies produced the least harvested biomass at 8.8 and 6.5 Mg ha?1, respectively. Mean NEBs were highest in continuous corn systems at 45.1 GJ ha?1, intermediate in the corn‐soybean rotation at 28.6 GJ ha?1, and lowest in fertilized and unfertilized prairies at 11.4 and 10.5 GJ ha?1, respectively. Concomitant with the high yields of the continuous corn systems were the large nutrient requirements of these systems compared to the prairie systems. Continuous corn with rye required three times more nitrogen inputs than fertilized prairie. Root production, on the other hand, was on average seven times greater in the prairie systems than the annual crop systems. On highly fertile soils, corn‐based cropping systems are likely to play an important role in maintaining the high productivity of agricultural landscapes, but alternative cropping systems, such as prairies used for bioenergy production, can produce substantial yield, require minimal externally derived inputs, and can be incorporated into the landscape at strategic locations to maximize the production of other ecosystem services.  相似文献   
王宝强  杨飞  王振波 《生态学报》2015,35(24):7998-8008
海平面上升导致了海岸线后退、沿海侵蚀、风暴潮加强、生物栖息地改变、湿地变迁等,引起了近海域生态系统服务价值的变化。以美国Hillsborough County为研究区域,应用SLAMM模型,模拟了海平面从2010年—2100年上升1m的情景下各类用地面积的变化,利用效益转移法评价了生态系统服务价值的变化。结果表明:1旱地面积减少3037 hm~2,湿地面积增加3037hm~2,其中河口水域、滩涂、盐沼、定期洪水沼泽面积大幅度增加;季节性洪水沼泽、潮汐淡水沼泽、河流潮汐、沙滩面积大幅度减少,其它类型湿地受影响较小。2湿地总面积的增加反而导致了生态系统服务价值总量的降低,从2010年的61672万美元降低到2100年的61548万美元,这是由于净水湿地和沙滩大面积损失引起的;其中艺术娱乐、水调节、气候调节、文化精神价值将下降,水供应、栖息地保护、干扰调节和废物处理价值将上升。3防护、适应、后退3种措施分别降低、不影响、提升了生态系统服务价值,应根据其适用范围综合应用以制定应对海平面上升的适应性措施。  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to survey antibacterial resistance in outpatients of Chinese county hospitals. A total of 31 county hospitals were selected and samples continuously collected from August 2010 to August 2011. Drug sensitivity testing was conducted in a central laboratory. A total of 2946 unique isolates were collected, including 634 strains of Escherichia coli, 606 Klebsiella pneumoniae, 476 Staphylococcus aureus, 308 Streptococcus pneumoniae, and 160 Haemophilus influenzae. Extended-spectrum β-lactamases were detected in E. coli (42.3% strains), K. pneumoniae (31.7%), and Proteus mirabilis (39.0%). Ciprofloxacin-resistance was detected in 51.0% of E. coli strains. Salmonella spp. and Shigella spp. were sensitive to most antibacterial agents. Less than 8.0% of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates were resistant to carbapenem. For S. aureus strains, 15.3% were resistant to methicillin, and some strains of S. pneumoniae showed resistance to penicillin (1.6%), ceftriaxone (13.0%), and erythromycin (96.4%). β-lactamase was produced by 96.5% of Moraxella catarrhalis strains, and 36.2% of H. influenzae isolates were resistant to ampicillin. Azithromycin-resistant H. influenzae, imipenem-resistant but meropenem-sensitive Proteus, and ceftriaxone- and carbapenem non-sensitive M. catarrhalis were recorded. In conclusion, cephalosporin- and quinolone-resistant strains of E. coli and Klebsiella pneumonia and macrolide-resistant Gram-positive cocci were relatively prominent in county hospitals. The antibacterial resistance profiles of isolates from different geographical locations varied significantly, with proportions in county hospitals lower than those in their tertiary counterparts in the central cities, although the difference is diminishing.  相似文献   
县域人类活动与景观格局分析   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
吕一河  陈利顶  傅伯杰 《生态学报》2004,24(9):1833-1839
人类活动的长期持续作用会导致区域景观格局及景观生态功能的变化 ,反过来又会对人类的生存质量和可持续发展能力构成影响。因此人类活动与景观格局的关系及其调控一直是景观生态学研究的重要内容。以植被图、土地利用图和林相图为基础 ,应用 GIS技术和景观格局分析方法研究了岷江流域汶川县人类活动与景观格局特征及其相互关系。结果表明 :通过重要植被类型的分析 ,可以明确不同类型在各乡镇单元的优势程度及其生态完整性 ;基于不同主题图件的景观格局指数之间相关特征的相似性显著 ;3种图件在反映景观破碎化程度上具有相似的能力 ,而在反映景观异质性方面存在显著差异 ;景观的边界密度确实能够由景观中的人类活动要素 (道路密度、居民点及工矿面积比例和农田面积比例 )之间一定的组合关系进行较好的表达与解释。这也充分说明 ,通过人类活动要素可以在一定精度范围内预测景观的变化趋势 ;同时 ,对人类活动的合理调控与管理有助于生态恢复和景观安全格局的维持。因此 ,对县域土地利用、生物多样性保护和区域发展的规划和管理具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   
福建长汀重建植被马尾松与木荷光合特性比较   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
黄儒珠  李机密  郑怀舟  王健  周延锋 《生态学报》2009,29(11):6120-6130
比较了福建长汀水土流失区重建植被措施治理后,2个不同恢复程度生境中的马尾松(Pinus massoniana)与木荷(Schima superba)光合特性季节变化及日进程,结果表明:(1)马尾松净光合速率(Pn)具有明显的季节变化特征,其中恢复程度较低生境(样地Ⅰ)马尾松Pn最大值出现在秋季,恢复程度较高生境(样地Ⅱ)马尾松Pn春季最大,秋季次之;样地Ⅱ马尾松Pn日均值冬季显著低于样地Ⅰ(P<0.05),春季极显著高于样地Ⅰ(P<0.01),反映出样地Ⅱ马尾松抵御低温胁迫的能力强于样地Ⅰ马尾松.(2)样地Ⅰ和样地Ⅱ木荷Pn季节变化趋势一致,最大值均出现在夏季,且样地Ⅱ木荷Pn高于样地Ⅰ;此外,样地Ⅱ木荷Pn秋季仍维持在较高水平.说明重建植被措施治理后,木荷在恢复程度较高生境中生长良好.(3)根据气孔导度、胞间CO2浓度和气孔限制值的变化方向判断,夏季和秋季样地Ⅰ马尾松与木荷Pn主要受气孔因素影响,8:00后呈缓慢下降趋势,显示在长期较为恶劣的生境条件下,马尾松与木荷已形成一种趋同的生理生态适应机制,即通过气孔调节限制蒸腾失水,但这种适应是以降低光合速率为代价的,这也是样地Ⅰ马尾松与木荷生长缓慢的一个重要原因.(4)同一生境,木荷Pn与蒸腾速率(Tr)均明显高于马尾松,尤其样地Ⅱ2树种间的差异更显著,表明重建植被措施实施后,生态恢复程度较高生境中,木荷生长、竞争优势强于马尾松.  相似文献   
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